About us


The legacy of Traces of Beauty is to inspire and empower more love to be anchored, galvanized & spread all across this precious green Earth, across cultures, beyond lands and seas, bringing more beauty, magic and wonder to all hearts, to Mother Gaia.

Reaching new heights and visions of Heaven on Earth,  we are here to create more unique, transformational experiences to offer our hearts dreaming, to Life, AND invite others to come on intentional, soul led, heart centred journeys, as we circle & walk the world in and with more beauty, together.


Leeliu is a loving daughter of Gaia, a culture maker and devoted wisdom keeper of the Earth  – Born and bred in Singapore, this Chinese medicine woman is a ritual artist, a sacred feminine embodiment guide & joy alchemist.

She is committed to nurture and guide a global community of embodied sacred, sensual women from all cultures and backgrounds, to express their feminine essence and powers of beauty into the world. And re-educating beloved men along the way too! Devoted to heart-based intentional living with earth based principles & unity consciousness, she dedicates her life in exquisite expressions as moving poetry, a living prayer, of embodied wild beauty.

Today she offers (in person & online) Mentorships, Ceremonies, Private Sessions, Retreats, Trainings, & Sacred Arts to ignite the passion & purpose of the ever-evolving heart. By infusing ancient wisdom with modern day techniques Leeliu’s mission is to guide people ceremoniously through transformational journeys to awaken their innate wisdom & activate their sacred service to co-create the harmonious New Earth we all know is possible. 


He is a lover of Earth pleasures, a caring father of 2 children, a sun worshipper, a humourous, kind and sweet friend. Trained in design, with over 25 years of experience, Axel is a healing visual artist serving empowerment, magnifying wonder through his visual alchemy: ranging from photography. web creation & development design work, and videography – the natural gifts of his Venusian rose tinted lens brings out the most beautiful and radiant in people & beings, places and spaces.

His strength lies above all in the ability to perceive the essence, the spirit of an event or a person and to make it visible through a photograph filled with love and compassion. His first published photography book, Souls Of Light is a testament to his gift of amplifying beauty and wonder.

He has and continues to revolutionalise healing, stewarding and serving beauty through many of his 1-1, group and festival photography.


After a mysterious soul meeting together for 6 days in Bali in 2019’s Balispirit where Axel was the official photographer, Leeliu & Axel continued to cultivate a foundation of love and friendship for the next 3 years, and met in Mexico in March 2022 to deepen this (re)union and foster this rising love – Mama Mexico the blessed land of dreams became the ground where the project and vision of Traces of Beauty was seeded, birthed and created (click here to see some treasured inspiration).

The alchemy of our shared passion for the healing arts, our love for Earth, Mother Nature, and unity consciousness merge our unique beauty ways to create a dynamic force field of love in all we create and offer.

To realise the Earth’s dreaming in this conscious union is one that continues to bring us joy and inspiration. WE welcome you to join us on this unfolding journey, together.