„Home” – Rainbow Song

„Home” a Rainbow Song – inspired by the cover of Uria Tsur.

„OM I am home
I found a place
to heal my soul
It is right here
We are right here
Between the hills
The stars
The sun
The rivers so clear,
Rivers so clear"

Rainbow Song


Igniting the song that's been singing me back to my soul since leaving my spirit home Koh Panghan in March 2022 alongside my soul songbird sisters – All culture changemakers & leaders in our unique gifts, of empowerment, healing, uniting our loving powers in harmony & sweet wildness.

We are the Earth herself actively dreaming
here to create the reality of this New Earth
Co-arising in beauty, joy & wonder
In beauty we walk
In lightness of Being We praise
In love we share
Devoted to serve the world
Alive alive, so alive.

This prayer serves the healing of all bodies, all waters of the Earth 🌎
May more women come into deep recognition and celebration, of their precious powers.
May more men awaken to serve Gaia consciousness in their unique beauty ways in service to the feminine.

May Mama Earth, Lady Gaia, our home, be honoured, protected, praised upon by more and all, in the beauty & gifts she showers upon us.

May all Beings be happy and free.

Love and blessing

As healing artists we endeavour to continue giving time and energy to create more beauty in the world to share – if any of our work has brought you joy, nourishment, goodness, we humbly ask that you consider supporting us in these ways:

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All images © 2024 by Axel Hebenstreit – axel.media

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